The Inappropriate Poem.

Sex is not an inappropriate word.
Sex is not inappropriate, hence talking about it in a poem doesn't make it an inappropriate poem.
When your little once come an ask you about sex.
Don't call it the "S" word.
Tell them its okay, tell them its natural.
Don't call it making love.
Tell them it isn't necessarily love.
And then teach them about consent.
Teach your young sons and daughters that their bodies are theirs alone.
And that no one in any relation can ever stake a claim at them.
So when they tell you how their bodies are not big enough, how they are not thin enough, full enough, curvy enough.
Don't say "the bigger the better".
Don't say "the smaller the sexier".
Tell them about the size of the globe and how they can unsold it in their palms perfectly.
Tell them they can rule the world and the only size they need to worry about is the size of the pizza they will be having tonight.
So when your young son asks you why penises are called manhood, tell him they are not.
Well they shouldn't be!
That the shape and size of our sexual organ doesn't make you any lesser or more of a man.
Biologically maybe but really no.
Tell your young sons they don't have to be men just because their bodies says so.
Or when your young girl asks you why the old aunt next door told her young daughter "it would be a shame if the wall breaks".
Tell her there are no walls, that its just a body.
Don't talk to her in metaphors about her own genitalia, about eels and caves and blooming flowers  and what not.
Teach her about herself.
Teach her that she can never be in any way pure or impure, because she doesn't need to be.
Teach your young daughters they don't have to be women just because their bodies say so.
So when she tells you she wants to be like batman and not catwoman because she thinks catwoman is a kind of hot.
Don't frown and ask her why? Just get her a cape.
Or when your son tells you he wants to be like Hermione Granger and not Harry Potter because he is kind of more smitten by Ron Weasley.
Don't frown or ask him Why? Just get him a wand and some spell books.
You can't teach little people how to be perfect men and women, what you can teach them is to be better people.
Being the man and woman are states of mind.
Tell them one day they could be both.
Tell them the next day they could be one or none.
Tell them it hardly matters.
Talk to them about love.
Tell them its beautiful and magical and, dangerous and devastating.
Tell them it doesn't matter who or what they fall in love with as long as they do.
Tell them its okay, its okay to love your job more than you love your husband,
Or your dog more than you love general people,
Or your books more than you love humanity,
Or your girlfriend more than your boyfriend.
You can't teach them who the right person is or when the right time is.
Tell them what you can teach them, is to be more " HUMAN", more prone to "LOVE".
Tell them that animals are a humans best friends and that a lying, cheating, heart breaking woman is not a bitch.
A bitch is a female dog.
An she is probably your most loyal companion ever.
And that a pussy is not a coward and definitely not a term for the female genitalia.
Tell them a pussy is a cat and that the cats are royal, ferocious creatures.
Tell them that the only animals they really need to be cautious of, look just like them.
That fairies and princesses are stuff from old fairy tales but sadly the demons are not.
That there are murderers in positions of power, rapists upholding law and magician in jails.
Tell them the world is not a good place.
Inspire them to make it better.
Don't protect them from a world they"ll eventually be growing up in.
They might never need the protection.
And for heaven sake don't make them fight battles which aren't their own, make them fight demons which are yours and yours alone.
Life is pretty generous in giving us all problem to face and situation to solve.
So let them.
Let them find their own battles, allies, and enemies.
Let them define their own countries, boundaries, histories an chemistries.
Let them get their first battle scar.
And then teach them to take pride in who and what they are, who and what they love and who and what they believe in.
Talk to them about poets who died young but had great lives, About witches who were burned at stage just because they were magic.
Talk to them about all the good things that Hitler did and all the ugly shades of Gandhi's life.
Talk to them about God or the lack of him or how that one time you said fuck in call and got scolded by your teacher.
Tell them how fuck is not an inappropriate word.
Tell them how there are no inappropriate words.
Be honest and raw and crude and real.

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